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CEE Finance and Capital Markets Workshops 2021

11 - 14 October, 2021


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Please select which Breakout session(s) you wish to attend:

Breakout Session 1: ESG-linked products on the rise: incentivising sustainable borrower behaviour

Breakout Session 2: Green bonds, green loans, green structured products: climate-friendly project finance

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Breakout session 1: SFDR and more: hot topics in ESG disclosure

Breakout session 2: ESG risk: from measurement to management

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Breakout session 1: The evolution of ESG reporting: from the NFRD to the CSRD

Breakout session 2: The “S” in ESG: diversity, consumer protection, human rights in supply chains and beyond

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Breakout session 1: Payments in the spotlight: digital payment solutions and CBDC

Breakout session 2: The tokenisation of values: digital securities and crypto-assets

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